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We're Not Going Home Yet

By SammyK on Sun, May 3rd 09 at 06:29AM | Permalink | Comments (8)

Despite the fact that we have run out of the original $10,000 budget for our year-long journey around the world, we are not going home.

I've been able to get some extra cash by doing web development work on my MacBook Pro and William has gotten money from other sources.

So we've got enough money to finish out the adventure.

For now we've settled down in Chiang Mai, Thailand for about a month. We've got a nice apartment so that I can finish out some big web projects.

When I say "nice" apartment, I mean, "the nicest serviced apartment in Chiang Mai." We've got two rooms and two full baths, a nice kitchen and livingroom. It's also got a pool and workout facilities.

And the kicker? It costs almost the exact same price as the crappy hostels in Australia.

Because of the riots in Bangkok and the swine flu scare, people just aren't traveling to Thailand. Which means the foreigners that are here are getting sweet deals during this tourism slump.

By the way - the riots that you see on TV make Thailand look like it's on the verge of civil war. We haven't seen any riots or craziness go down since we've been here. The riots took place in a few small areas of Bangkok. Everywhere else is pretty much business as usual... except for the whole tourism slump.

Oh, and if you haven't noticed already, I've made some changes to the site. Most notably, the photo section is now thumbnailed, the video page now shows the popular videos on the right and I updated the press page with some media hype we've been getting. Check it out.


Mary Audrey wrote on May 3rd 09 at 10:09AM
"William has gotten money from other sources." Shady.
ruthe wrote on May 4th 09 at 12:27AM
It's amazing that you guys have lasted 7 months on $10K but I'm glad you guys aren't calling it quits! Can't wait to see what the next 3 months holds for you guys.
Arun wrote on May 4th 09 at 02:57AM
Came here via LP. Hope you guys can stick to the plan and make it through. Will hangout here to see whats happening.

The place you mentioned sounds comfy. How much actually?
Aracely wrote on May 5th 09 at 07:33AM
I read your interview with wonderingeducators, I loved it!! I'm currently sitting in my window office at American Express corporate headquarters in NYC, wishing I was traveling the world. I've run out of excuse why i won't. Maybe I'll see you around some time. Take care and best of luck!!
Stephanie Dyar wrote on May 6th 09 at 07:09PM
Hey- I just saw your website from Lonely Planet. I live in Chiang Mai and saw that you are visiting there right now. Shoot me an email if you want to hang out with some westerners! :)
My friend and I have been here for a month, but will be living here for a few years.
Love the website!
nomadicmatt wrote on May 15th 09 at 01:49AM
whats this other work? is he working as a lady boy lol
Corey T wrote on May 15th 09 at 02:06PM
Go, Two Guys, Go! We'll keep following.
Lindsey wrote on October 4th 09 at 11:05AM
If you guys want to make the big bucks, head to South Korea or Taiwan and teach English! You'll each have at least 18k in your pockets by the end of a one year contract.
The incredible story of how two recent college grads are traveling around the world on an impossible budget.
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