William's RSS

We made it!

By William on Tue, Sep 16th 08 at 02:34PM | Permalink | Comments (6)

As of 8:00 this morning we are officially in Guatemala City, Guatemala. 

The trip went well but we are going to have to get more efficient at navigating airports.  We ended up walking all over LAX trying to find the flight from there to Guatemala.  We didn't realize that although we flew in on United and our tickets said United, we were actually flying with Taca airlines.  Eventually we figured it out though, and made it to the gate with just 2 hours to spare.  Good thing we had an absurdly long layover.  It will be much tougher in the future when the airports are in languages we don't speak.

We were absolutely exhausted by the time we made it to the place we're staying.  I was unable to sleep at all on the second flight, as there was an incredibly loud man sitting behind us who didn't stop talking for the entire 4 hour flight.  I don't know if I've ever been so frustrated in my life.  27 hours without sleeping combined with being in a cramped, loud environment is not my idea of a good time.  I definitely need to get train myself to sleep in uncomfortable places.  I've become too used to living in my own house with absolute silence when I go to bed.  I can't expect conditions to be perfect every time I want to get some sleep.

I'm excited to explore this beautiful country.  The view from the airplane revealed amazing terrain with steep hills, valleys and huge volcanos.  It should be an exciting first stop to our journey.


David Potter wrote on September 16th 08 at 02:37PM
First post! Glad to hear you guys made it. The airlines tried to pull the same nonsense on me during my trips to and from Ireland. Hope to hear some interesting exploration tales soon. Sacrifice something in the volcano!
Anita Reinhard wrote on September 16th 08 at 04:50PM
Hi William, So glad to hear from you. It took me 2 1/2 hours to get to I65 last night out of Chicago because of flooded highways and closed entrance ramps. It was very frustrating. I am now home in Lexington.
Scott wrote on September 16th 08 at 06:02PM
wOOt! I have goose-pimples on top of goose-pimples!
Eva Hall wrote on September 19th 08 at 06:48AM
Hey William! We just checked out the website. The photos look good, can't wait to see some of the terrain. I've heard that Guatemala is beautiful compared to Lima Peru. We'll keep in touch!
Ginger Partin wrote on September 19th 08 at 08:26AM
Hi William, glad to hear you made it ok- flying is always a nightmare for me- took us 17 hours to get to San Diego last spring!! I have a friend whose daughter is from Guatemala. We're still cleaning up sticks and tree limbs after the hurricane came through here on Sunday!
Derek Sloan wrote on September 19th 08 at 11:17AM
DUDE! Praying for ya buddy! Keep in touch man... God bless... we'll miss you at Togethership!
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