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Our First New Country

By SammyK on Thu, Oct 16th 08 at 07:42AM | Permalink | Comments (5)

We're headed to our first new country of our year-long journey today. We've been in Guatemala for exactly a month now. It has been very good. And we've been able to do so much for very cheap.

Now we enter the most expensive country in South America. Chile. We start our adventure in Santiago where we have some contacts to stay with.

The only problem is that our contact in Chile hasn't confirmed with us, so we aren't 100% sure we'll have a place to stay as soon as we get there.

We almost had a friend we met here in Guatemala join us for our grand plan in Chile. Lara (the "cool German chick" from Episode #7) started crunching the numbers and realized that it would be too expensive for her to join us.

We will no doubt have other people we run into that are interested in joining us on legs of our trip. If anyone wants to join us mid-December when we're in Australia, we have some cool plans that would require one or two other travel companions. Just shoot us an email with the contact form if you're interested.

We have some pretty cool plans for Chile. I just hope these grand plans don't break the bank for us. We've been doing pretty good here in Guatemala staying on budget, but you can live like a king here for dirt cheap. Not the case in Chile.


Will wrote on October 17th 08 at 03:39PM
wow RTW on 10K....I'm struggling trying to figure out how to enjoy 11 months in S. America on 20

anyhow, good luck with all of it
Patrick & Rachel Hugens wrote on October 18th 08 at 11:57AM
Hi Sam,
We are friends of Williams Aunt Susan.
Check out WWOOF (Willing workers on organic farms)
It's a cheap way to live in a country & meet locals.

SammyK wrote on October 18th 08 at 06:16PM
@Will - Haha - you can do it man! Where in SA are you? We're in Chile right now.

@Patrick & Rachel Hugens - thanks for the link! I checked it out and it's definitely something we want to do soon.
Bethany wrote on October 18th 08 at 06:26PM
This is great! Just found your site thru BnA and it's great! Love what you've done, making me rethink my whole site now. haha..

I can't wait to read more about your travels. You can do it on 10k I'm sure. Did you stay in the Hotel Sanchez in Panachel? If I had known of your site earlier I would've recommended it - $5/night 2 beds AND no bed bugs!

Keep up the good work. Maybe I'll see you somewhere in a year when I leave. Are you going to do any WWOOF'ing on your travels? that could save you some big bank.

- Beth
SammyK wrote on October 18th 08 at 07:07PM
@Bethany - Thanks! We stayed at a hotel called "Shalom" which was like $7 for 2 beds. We split it 3 ways! So it ended up being quite cheap for us.

That'd be cool to meet up in our travels - let us know where you are. And yes, we're planing on WWOOFinf a little. ;)
The incredible story of how two recent college grads are traveling around the world on an impossible budget.
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