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Video Podcast #2 Realeased

By SammyK on Tue, Sep 23rd 08 at 08:15AM | Permalink | Comments (3)

Our video podcasts are supposed to come out each Monday. It's Tuesday now and we're just now releasing Episode #2. Why is it a day late? Well, it's because the internet in Guatemala is slow. Mucho slow. So trying to upload over a hundred megs of video files takes much longer than in the States.

Well, I've learned - if I want to make it available on Monday evening - start uploading on Sunday night.

Episode #2 is about William and I saying goodbye to family and friends back in Lexington, KY and flying to Guatemala city; all the while trying to launch this website. I put in a few long shots that really give you a feel of what Guatemala sounds like. You'll also get to see a little problem we ran into when buying our plane tickets for our next destination.

The next episode will be more about Guatemalan culture in the city, including the gangs of Zone 18. You won't want to miss it.


kat wrote on September 23rd 08 at 11:25AM
Sam I enjoyed so much getting to watch Episode 2!

Miss you!
Todd wrote on September 23rd 08 at 04:45PM
Nice work! I am traveling vicariously through you guys. Much cheaper and nearly as fun. You should go inside the gang life for the next episode.
Lorin wrote on September 23rd 08 at 08:00PM
Sam!! Watching that video made me want to go back to Guatemala so bad!! Hope youre doing well and keeping safe! :)
The incredible story of how two recent college grads are traveling around the world on an impossible budget.
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