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We've Been Nominated! We Need Your Help!

By SammyK on Wed, Feb 25th 09 at 04:38PM | Permalink | Comments (11)

Lonely Planet which is is one of the largest travel guidebook publishers in the world has nominated Two Guys Around The World for best video blog.

Help us win the category by voting at the official Lonely Planet 2009 Travel Blogger Awards site. Just scroll down until you see the "Best Video Blog" category and select "" and click "vote".

Twitter it!
RT: @guysaroundworld: Just been nominated for best video blog by Lonely Planet. Please vote! (scroll to the middle)

Facebook status it!
My friends have just been nominated by Lonely Planet for the best video blog. Please vote!

Taken from the Lonely Planet website:

The winners of the awards will be announced in March at a party in San Francisco, at the same time as the first ever Travel Blogger un-conference. Nominations are now open in 13 categories, and will close in mid feb at which point we’ll pick the five most nominated blogs in each category and open those for public voting. Public voting is going to count for 50% of the over-all score, the remaining score will come from a panel of selected experts - respected bloggers, Lonely Planet Authors and other industry celebrities.

Tell your friends and family. Thanks for your votes. :)


Kevin wrote on February 25th 09 at 08:23PM
Wow, congratulations! I want you to design my website.
Mary Audrey wrote on February 25th 09 at 09:06PM
Yay!! I changed my facebook status and voted! I tried to vote twice but it wouldn't let me, haha.
ruthe wrote on February 25th 09 at 09:06PM
Truly deserved as you're hands down my fave traveling site at the moment. Congrats! I've done my retweeting and fbook sharing :D.
shane wrote on February 26th 09 at 12:09AM
And one vote makes 71. You're leading by 1 vote now guys. Good luck!
Eric Blair wrote on February 26th 09 at 03:13AM
You are to 75 now! Woo hoo!
Aunt Susan of Seattle wrote on February 26th 09 at 01:18PM
Congratulations! I just voted and you are leading with 39% with 117 votes. Your nearest competitor is at 28%. I hope you guys win - it is a wonderful site!
William's Aunt Susan
Christian from Norway wrote on February 26th 09 at 04:33PM
Congratulations, you deserve it. Ive been following your site since i discovered it around christmas approx. If you ever come to Norway (not smart budget wise), more specificaly Trondheim, let me know i let you sleep on my couch:P
SammyK wrote on February 26th 09 at 08:53PM
Thank you guys so much for the support! I'm really still in shock a little bit after getting a nod from Lonely Planet. :)
tacoboy wrote on February 28th 09 at 09:53AM
Hey, just wanted to let you know that I voted for you guys. My girlfriend's blog (tacogirl) is nominated in the Best Image blog category, and I found your blog through the voting page. Best of Luck!
Lrn2dnc wrote on March 3rd 09 at 07:54AM
Still in the lead, good luck!
Jamie P (sister) wrote on March 8th 09 at 06:07PM
YAY!!! Go Sam and William!!! LYL
The incredible story of how two recent college grads are traveling around the world on an impossible budget.
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