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Thanks for the Lonely Planet Win!

By SammyK on Sun, Mar 29th 09 at 07:23AM | Permalink | Comments (29)

I still can't believe it.

Not only did we win our category - Best Video Blog, but we also won the big one - the grand prize - Best Travel Blog of 2009 by Lonely Planet!

First of all, a huge thank you to YOU. All you who supported us. We are definitely feeling the love.

And thanks to Lonely Planet for this huge honor. We're just two Kentucky boys and to get recognized by one of the largest guidebook publishing companies in the world is a big deal for us.

I pour tons of hours into this site and the videos and it really feels good to get recognition for all the hard work.

But there are loads of other people who were up for nominations who put just as much hard work and love into their site like Craig and Linda with the Indie Travel Podcast. They won "Best Podcast". Congrats guys! You've got to listen to their podcasts in your car on the way to work. It'll inspire you to travel!

One of the "competitors" in our category was Amtrekker. This guy's got some pretty cool videos and I remember finding his videos on iTunes before we even started our journey. I suggest watching one of his recent videos, "Making Moonshine". Quite funny.

And then there are great sites that for whatever crazy reason didn't get nominated at all, like Nomadic Matt. I've been following his blog since the beginning of our journey and he's given us some crucial advice for South East Asia. Definitely deserves some recognition.

And there are LOADS of other high-quality blogs that I have on my Google Reader like "Everything Everywhere", "Irish Fireside" and my friend Benny at "Around the world in 80 Mays".

So we also won some pretty awesome stuff.

As the grand prize winners we won the entire 2009 Lonely Planet library - that's $10,000 worth of nearly 500 books! And I'm having them all sent to my parent's house. Sorry mom - I meant to tell you to look out for 500 books to show up on your doorstep. I'm sure you have plenty of extra storage with that whole remodeling project you're doing... or not. Sorry!

We also won a brand new Blackberry Bold! Woo hoo! We only get one - and it's mine. William already has one anyways but he still tried to claim it. Yeah right.

We also won some new Adobe software called "Visual Communicator" that has lots of cool effects and music clips to spice up our video podcasts. I swear by Adobe and already use Premiere, After Effects and Photoshop to make our video podcasts, so this one's another exciting win.

We also won a solar charger and $100 worth of international call credit and a bunch of other cool stuff.

Thanks again to all you who support us! We love you guys.


Scott wrote on March 29th 09 at 07:41AM
WHOO HOO! Congratulations, again!!!
Kirsten wrote on March 29th 09 at 08:23AM
CONGRATULATIONS! I can't wait to actually meet you guys when you return to Kentucky one day. It's been exciting following your travels through your winning website.
Ryan wrote on March 29th 09 at 09:29AM
Sam's Mom wrote on March 29th 09 at 10:10AM
CAN YOU HEAR ME LAUGHING?! One of my major complaints is that I love books but don't have bookshelves. Did you win any bookshelves to go with said books? Would prefer they send me the Blackberry!JK I was wonderful how all those books would fit in your travel bag.

Congrats!! You deserve it.

Love you!

el clinto wrote on March 29th 09 at 10:23AM
Congrats brother!
Benny Lewis wrote on March 29th 09 at 02:17PM
Congratulations!!! Definitely the most deserving blog of all (and I *also* have a lot of the blogs in LP's list in my Google Reader ;) )
You are young in the blogging world, but an amazing story teller so I am not in the slightest bit surprised that you got so many votes (I admittedly nudged a few people :P ) - I talk about you all the time in listing my favourite Couchsurfers!! Really hope to re-host you this summer in Europe!! ;)
Keep sharing your amazing stories and keep in touch :)
Lifecruiser Travel wrote on March 29th 09 at 04:17PM
(Trying once more, my first try got some error message)

Heartly congratulations! Well done!

I love your blog layout too. Must make time to check out your post a bit more.

Cheers ;-)
Memaw wrote on March 29th 09 at 05:41PM
I am so proud of you
Love you forever
shane wrote on March 29th 09 at 06:20PM
Excellent guys. Congratulations. Seeing as you've been in Oz and NZ recently... that is fair dinkum choice bro... Congratulations again.
Corey T wrote on March 29th 09 at 09:09PM
Your hard work is evident, and the recognition is well-deserved. Keep up the good work, and it sounds like you'll be able to put those prizes to good use. Congrats to you and all the other winners and nominees.
Craig wrote on March 30th 09 at 12:30AM
Hi guys, great stuff and well-deserved.

You've got a smooth-looking site and great, fun videos. Just keep having fun, right?

Thanks for the Indie Travel Podcast shoutout too.
Abdulgany wrote on March 30th 09 at 02:15AM
Dear two guys,
Do you remember me? I was so happy when i met both of you on the bus. You are really lucky that you a good chance to travell around the world.
Hope to see you again!
Gany, Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Eva wrote on March 30th 09 at 06:32AM
Congratulations! I love your website. Lots of information, good stories and highly entertaining. Very nice work. It's a well deserved award.
jamie wrote on March 30th 09 at 08:05AM
I'm so psyched! (especially because I nominated you; this accolade validates my own good taste) Your poor mom, getting 8,000 lbs of books in the mail.
P.S. You guys are from KENTUCKY!!??
Eric Blair wrote on March 30th 09 at 10:52AM
Great news! I guess my multiple votes from various IP addresses paid off! Sweeet! haha. Just kidding. or am I?? No one will ever know! haha
ruthe wrote on March 30th 09 at 10:20PM
Congrats again guys! I was worried there for a little bit when voting closed and it looked like you were shy a few votes but the judges definitely made the right decision! =)
Ellen Potter wrote on March 31st 09 at 07:13AM
Sam and William we are sooooo happy and proud for/of you both!! The Blue-Grass will never be thought of quite the same. Excellent!
anna hyder wrote on March 31st 09 at 09:52AM
Congtratulations! You guys are awesome and really deserve this honor!
Cody Hough wrote on March 31st 09 at 02:24PM
Great job you guys I've been watching from the start and it just gets me so pumped. Stay safe and keep up the good work. You guys deserve it.
Aunt Susan of Seattle wrote on March 31st 09 at 03:11PM
Congratulations Sam and William -
This will look great on your rsumes 6 months from now!
We are very proud of you.
love, Susan, Lana, and John
Mark Ward wrote on March 31st 09 at 04:07PM
Congrats guys, you've done some good work. Keep it up and good luck getting through Europe under budget...
Leah Fisher wrote on April 1st 09 at 08:34PM
COngrats..I voted for you guys..Cant wait to see your travel budget updates..
Uv wrote on April 2nd 09 at 08:25AM
Dear Two Guys aka Sam and Willimam,

Lonely Planet has been the catalyst for my newly developed dedication to your blog. I've dreamt about traveling the world after college (graduation is 5 weeks away), but am still dreaming. So, I am living vicariously through you. Hope your newest adventures are more spectacular than the previous ones. Congratulations on the award!!!


Kyle wrote on April 3rd 09 at 01:51PM
thats soo awesome!
James wrote on April 3rd 09 at 10:16PM
HUGE congrats from Texas! I am so excited for you guys. Voted for you guys so I hope y'all are having a blast in Asia! Maybe I can speak for some others, but at least I am vicariously traveling through you two! Take care guys, and congrats!
Wasula wrote on April 5th 09 at 05:21AM
Good job Sammy!
Jamie Powers wrote on April 16th 09 at 08:21PM
I voted for you!!!

Your site is so awesome! I'm so glad you won! Hope you win many, many more and MANY, MANY more books! JK, Granny Dee!!!!!
roro wrote on May 19th 09 at 07:38AM
with a little helps of my friends............
very late but very happy for you SammyK
roudha_cesc wrote on November 17th 11 at 04:06AM
Awesome u guys!! Hope its not to late for me to congrats u..
The incredible story of how two recent college grads are traveling around the world on an impossible budget.
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