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Spanish School

By William on Thu, Oct 2nd 08 at 07:42PM | Permalink | Comments (3)

It is so satisfying to finally be learning some Spanish.  I obviously won't be having any deep conversations with anyone any time soon, but at least I can interact with people on a basic level.  The one on one instruction is great.  It is so much easier than sitting in a class with a bunch of people, trying to pay attention.  Even after just three days of classes I have learned enough to improve my ability to live in this city. 
I spent about two hours wandering about the city on Tuesday.  It was the first time I've really taken to just explore without any real objective or reason to go anywhere.  I just walked, took in the sights and sounds, meandered through little shops and courtyards.  It was one of the most enjoyable times I've had on this trip so far.  This is such a great city to walk around in.
I went to do the same yesterday after lunch.  I walked into town with a light rain falling.  The kind of rain that doesn't really get you wet, just cools you off.  It was a great feeling.  It didn't last.
I stopped in a coffee shop and got a bottle of water.  For a while I sat and wrote in my journal, starting to feel a bit nauseous.  After a while, my stomach feeling worse and worse, I decided I should probably go lie down, so I started heading back to the house.
I made it about halfway home before I lost my lunch.  The rest of the evening was spent lying in bed trying not to throw up anymore, with mixed results.  With the help of some good drugs and the fact that there was nothing left in my stomach, I was eventually able to get to sleep.  Needless to say, it was not a fun day.
I woke up this morning feeling much better.  It was a beautiful morning.  I went for a walk, met some new people from the school, and enjoyed the fact that I didn't feel sick.  Let's hope it lasts.


Ryan wrote on October 3rd 08 at 08:36PM
I say hurl. If you blow chunks and she comes back, she's yours. But if you spew and she bolts, then it was never meant to be.
mom wrote on October 4th 08 at 01:48PM
It was the water you bought that made you sick. Don't even use ice when you are out. Buy pop or carbinated water and let it go flat.
David wrote on October 6th 08 at 09:03AM
You ate at the Taco Bell on Gringo Street, didn't you! Ice is definitely the enemy. So is lettuce since they wash it in parasitic water. But sealed pop cans are safe, no need to let them go flat.
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