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Jordan and Tatiana Are Coming to Sydney, Australia

By SammyK on Tue, Dec 2nd 08 at 02:40PM | Permalink | Comments (8)

With as much as I talk about West Coast Swing, I should probably post a video of what it looks like. Scroll to the bottom of this post to see a video of it.

That's Jordan and Tatiana in the video. They are basically my heroes. They are currently at the top of the West Coast Swing game. They are the ones who everyone looks to and are forming the dance these days. They are are awesome at it.

I love their smooth style. If you want to learn West Coast Swing, I highly recommend copying Jordan and Tatiana's style.

And now for the best news I have gotten while on this trip. Jordan and Tatiana will be in Australia at the same time as me!

There's a big West Coast Swing dance comp in Sydney at the beginning of February that Jordan and Tatiana are heading up. I can't wait.

It's kind of expensive, I'm going to be dropping about $200 for just two days which is way out of our $15 a day budget, but I can't pass something like this up. It would be crazy of me to pass up the opportunity to go to the biggest West Coast Swing comp on this side of the planet.

I made some new West Coast Swing friends here in New Zealand that are also going to the comp and we're going to team up for the special choreography classes that Jordan and Tatiana are teaching.

Tina is one of my new West Coast Swing friends here in Auckland. She's actually one of the first ones to bring WCS to this country - a true WCS evangelical! :)

It's so crazy how I just happened to stumble upon the only dance studio in Auckland that had the only West Coast Swingers in town and now I'm going to be West Coast Swinging with them in Sydney in two months.


Sam's Mom wrote on December 2nd 08 at 05:47PM
Wow! They are impressive. I don't see how she keeps from breaking her neck on some of those underarm twirls.

I'm glad you're going to the dance event and I hope you have the time of your life. By the way, you're a smooth dancer too.

Love you.
Shawn wrote on December 3rd 08 at 07:06AM
Hey Sam, it's great that you like to dance. Dancing changed my life, I have competed and preformed in Salsa and Latin Ballroom, although I do like smooth, also. Samba and African dancing live drums is excellent. There is a lot of dance here in Israel.
SammyK wrote on December 3rd 08 at 02:41PM
@Sam's Mom: Thanks mom! Love you too.

@Shawn: Oh yeah, dancing has changed my life too. Do you have any videos of your dances? I'd love to see some.
nick waters wrote on December 4th 08 at 04:08PM

I dig you and William's site, man!

Props on all the hard work you put into the video production.

You both look like you're having the time of your lives, respectively. Enjoy!
Elaine & Doug wrote on December 5th 08 at 08:42PM
We are so excited that you are going to get to see Jordan and Tat. Remember when you go to the comp... "you can go all night". Stamina, baby, stamina.

Happy Dancing--Doug and Eeeeeelaaaaine (use your "Jason" voice here)
Michelle wrote on December 6th 08 at 03:00PM
Hey Sammy, can't wait to meet you in person! Looking forward to a dance with you too! From Michelle (who's running the Sydney Event with Jordan & Tatiana!)
SammyK wrote on December 8th 08 at 03:19AM
@nick waters: Thanks man!

@Elaine & Doug: Haha! You guys make me miss you guys so much. :(

@Michelle: Can't wait to meet/dance with you as well. Thanks for all you're doing with the organization of the WCS event.
Michelle Gil wrote on June 14th 09 at 05:50AM
Hey Sammy!!! Jordan & Tatiana are coming back to Australia in January 2010!!! hope you can make it - would love to see you then!!! Bye from Michelle - see the event page - it's already on the website!!!
The incredible story of how two recent college grads are traveling around the world on an impossible budget.
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