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Dancing Machine!

By SammyK on Sat, Feb 7th 09 at 12:29AM | Permalink | Comments (8)

Thanks everyone for the awesome advice on what we should do with our travels. William and I will take everyone's comments into consideration and change around our plans. I'll keep you posted.

These past few weeks have been jam-packed with web project work and dancing.

I'm a nerd by day and dancer by night.

The Jordan and Tatiana event has been going on all this week. There have been tons of workshops and social dancing. I even got a private lesson with Jordan! He pointed out that my WCS basics need some tightening up and his advice has changed my lead considerably.

Today is the grand-finale event for the dance week. There's going to be social dancing until 4am. Normally, I'd dance that until the last song, but we've got to catch a plane to Brisbane tomorrow morning which translates into us leaving the event early just to make it to the airport in time.

And by "we" I don't mean me and William this time. By "we" I mean Mills (WCS dancer from the UK) and Nadia (WCS dancer from the States). We are meeting up with William and another traveler Jessica in Brisbane.

We (the Fantastic Five) will make our way up the east coast of Australia seeing Fraser Island and the Great Barrier Reef. Sweet videos of our adventures soon to come.

And speaking of videos, I'm far behind. Sorry. Web projects and dancing are priority here. But don't worry. Videos with lots of dancing and cool new people are soon to come.

And finally, as I write this, Mills is looking over my shoulder and telling me how to write this blog. Now she's defending herself. Now she's trying to prove her point...


Lrn2dnc wrote on February 7th 09 at 12:09PM
Tighten up basics hmm? LOL, where have you heard that before?
Hey, send me that stuff asap ok?
Corey wrote on February 7th 09 at 11:47PM
Ah!!! So jealous! I would love to take a week of straight WCS workshops! That would be the week I lose ten pounds!

Party hard there man!
Sandra Guerreiro wrote on February 8th 09 at 04:04PM
Hi there. Been reading about all your travels with the lovely Mills. Can we have moe pics please :oD Over here she is called McBabe (she can explain!)lol xXx I call her pingu...
CheapOair wrote on February 9th 09 at 02:23PM
I just discovered your site. It's really interesting. I look forward to keeping up with your adventures.
Jenny wrote on February 10th 09 at 07:13PM
Gotta love Mills. What's yer point woman?! LOL Nice post by the way.
Collins P wrote on February 13th 09 at 09:03PM
Awesome, sounds great. Can't wait for the next video. What's happening with Williams blog? Guess he's been super busy.

David P wrote on February 20th 09 at 10:27AM
hey Sam my friend just showed me this cool activity in Australia called Zorb. Google it and check it out!
Elaine Morgan wrote on February 24th 09 at 06:19PM
I am so glad you got a lesson in with Jordan. I hope it was a fun event.
Looks like you weren't able to go all night. I hope that was ok with the girls...(lol)

The incredible story of how two recent college grads are traveling around the world on an impossible budget.
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