Vietnam Special - Day 3: Ha Long
Sam and William make it to the beautiful Ha Long Bay in Vietnam. Their hotel is nice, but it's got some not-so-great leftovers from other guests.
Corey T wrote on August 19th 09 at 07:04AM
Nice & Choco Pies... gotta love the treats. Thanks for sharing the sites.
Daniel wrote on August 19th 09 at 10:47AM
ITS NOW time for you to be in Iceland!
James wrote on August 21st 09 at 02:33AM
Avatar is amazing! Can't wait for the next one, hope y'all are doing swell in Iceland!
Sam's Mom wrote on August 21st 09 at 08:56AM
You always manage to make me laugh with your videos. You have such a great sense of humor. Just a few more weeks until your home!!!