Microsode #1 - Non-Couch Surfing
William learns how to surf in Lennox Head, Australia.
Daniel wrote on April 1st 09 at 11:23PM
It's not that I didn't believe you, but it certainly is good to finally see it. That beach looks like the perfect place to learn to surf!
danwray wrote on April 2nd 09 at 12:05AM
hang ten dude!
Scott wrote on April 2nd 09 at 05:42AM
William wrote on April 2nd 09 at 06:18AM
I just wish we'd gotten some footage towards when we left Australia, this was when I'd only been surfing for a couple weeks.
Braeden + Pat wrote on April 2nd 09 at 12:18PM
this is another way that you are better than us
Irishpolyglot Benny wrote on April 15th 09 at 01:22AM
So when you decide to make even shorter episodes will you call them nanosodes? :)