Episode 7 - Semuc Champey
Scaling waterfalls with a sketchy rope in Semuc Champey. Sam can't sleep and our truck makes a breaking sound.
Ryan wrote on October 17th 08 at 12:44PM
Dude, excellent video, I especially loved the Andy D splicing action!
Braeden wrote on October 17th 08 at 12:44PM
I just saw Orin and Andy D..
I just saw Orin and Andy D..
Kyle wrote on October 17th 08 at 08:47PM
you guys are awesome! i wish i did half of what you guys are doing! what do you use to hold the camera out in front of you? its such an cool view. looks awesome. thanks for letting us all see a little bit of all your travels!
kat wrote on October 18th 08 at 11:13AM
this was awesome!! It makes me so happy!! i almost feel like i'm there with you! miss you guys
Sarah wrote on October 18th 08 at 04:24PM
I just wanted to let you all know that I am a Spanish teacher in Texas and am using your videos for my Spanish 4 AP class. We watch the videos and discuss the cultural elements. Usually, I don't use videos because they are old and horribly boring. The students range from 15 to 18 years old and they are really into your trip. So keep traveling and keeping us posted. Thanks for sharing your journey with us.
SammyK wrote on October 18th 08 at 06:32PM
@Kyle - Thanks, ;) I'm glad you like the view. I'm personally getting sick of seeing my own face on camera, so hopefully you see a bunch of fresh faces soon.
But the trick is actually quite simple - we use a tripod. All we do is extend the legs but don't open them and then tilt the camera to point down the tripod.
@Sarah - awesome - thanks for letting us know about that. We've had a few other teachers tell us that they have used us in the classroom as well. I'm excited to know we're being used as a learning tool! I hope we inspire some to travel the world once they graduate.
But the trick is actually quite simple - we use a tripod. All we do is extend the legs but don't open them and then tilt the camera to point down the tripod.
@Sarah - awesome - thanks for letting us know about that. We've had a few other teachers tell us that they have used us in the classroom as well. I'm excited to know we're being used as a learning tool! I hope we inspire some to travel the world once they graduate.
Cole wrote on October 21st 08 at 02:14AM
LOL...hilarious Fast surprise!
elclinto wrote on October 22nd 08 at 11:38AM
Sammyk - Check yo email... EMERGENCY!
David P wrote on October 23rd 08 at 04:00PM
Please instruct Becky to move to northern California as I would like to marry her as soon as possible :D
SammyK wrote on October 24th 08 at 06:16AM
@David P - hahaha! You might be a little too old for her, man.
Annamae wrote on October 25th 08 at 10:29AM
Wow it looks like you guys are having an amazing time! Wish I could be there with you! God bless your travels...I'll keep up on your webpage.
Bruce wrote on October 25th 08 at 11:14AM
I hope the teachers using your videos for their classes are correcting the errors made, even by the native Spanish speakers. Such as referring to the genders of the animals as "the man" and "the woman," instead of "male" and "female."
SammyK wrote on October 25th 08 at 12:18PM
@Annamae - We are having a blast. Thanks for following the site.
@Bruce - Good point. Perhaps this deserves a bit of an explanation. Jose, who is the "native speaker" you are referring to, was our excellent tour guide while we were in Semuc Champey. He has given this tour a number of times and knows his audience well - gringos who barely speak Spanish. So he speaks in terms his audience is likely to understand. A new speaker is more likely to understand the word "man" as opposed to the word "male" for example.
I am assuming you are also referring to my broken Spanish. I certainly should hope that the errors are pointed out in class for two reasons. One, to discuss why I made the error and then explain the correct way of saying what it was I tried to communicate. And two, to let all the new Spanish speakers know that in order to really learn a language you have to actually speak. You can't let the fear of making a mistake hold you back from learning a language. So I make mistakes. All kinds of Spanish grammar mistakes. Sure, I try to learn from them, and sure sometimes the mistakes are humorous to those I am speaking to, but hey - it's all part of the fun of learning a new language that is no doubt tied to a wonderful culture that is different from my own.
@Bruce - Good point. Perhaps this deserves a bit of an explanation. Jose, who is the "native speaker" you are referring to, was our excellent tour guide while we were in Semuc Champey. He has given this tour a number of times and knows his audience well - gringos who barely speak Spanish. So he speaks in terms his audience is likely to understand. A new speaker is more likely to understand the word "man" as opposed to the word "male" for example.
I am assuming you are also referring to my broken Spanish. I certainly should hope that the errors are pointed out in class for two reasons. One, to discuss why I made the error and then explain the correct way of saying what it was I tried to communicate. And two, to let all the new Spanish speakers know that in order to really learn a language you have to actually speak. You can't let the fear of making a mistake hold you back from learning a language. So I make mistakes. All kinds of Spanish grammar mistakes. Sure, I try to learn from them, and sure sometimes the mistakes are humorous to those I am speaking to, but hey - it's all part of the fun of learning a new language that is no doubt tied to a wonderful culture that is different from my own.
judy wrote on October 26th 08 at 02:45PM
lol, its nice to know some things never change. ^_^ william was just as unsympathetic to others sleeping woes 10 years ago. poor sam! *pats* and i'm really impressed at how y'all are immersing yourselves in the local culture and everything! loved the guatemalan snipe hunt btw, lol.
also, when someone fixes something, and you don't know how, the answer is simple: magic! ^_^
also, when someone fixes something, and you don't know how, the answer is simple: magic! ^_^
Todd wrote on October 31st 08 at 07:32PM
DWell, still want an FJ?
Yancey wrote on November 2nd 08 at 04:06PM
Hey guys...the quetzal bird does exist. as a matter of fact a good friend of mine in Guatemala has a stuffed quetzal bird which the gov't of Guatemala gave to her grandfather during the civil war. By the way the Quiche people were the most affected by the war and many of them immigrated back to the states and Canada. It's great to see you guys having fun and especially respecting the Mayan culture. Your journey is awesome...keep up the great work.
Yancey wrote on November 2nd 08 at 04:06PM
Hey guys...the quetzal bird does exist. as a matter of fact a good friend of mine in Guatemala has a stuffed quetzal bird which the gov't of Guatemala gave to her grandfather during the civil war. By the way the Quiche people were the most affected by the war and many of them immigrated back to the states and Canada. It's great to see you guys having fun and especially respecting the Mayan culture. Your journey is awesome...keep up the great work.
SammyK wrote on November 3rd 08 at 02:43PM
@judy: Thanks for the sympathy. :)
@Yancey: Haha - true. I believe you that the Quetzal exists. :) I really wish we could have experienced more of the Mayan culture, but we simply ran out of time. That'll have to be our next trip to Guatemala.
@Yancey: Haha - true. I believe you that the Quetzal exists. :) I really wish we could have experienced more of the Mayan culture, but we simply ran out of time. That'll have to be our next trip to Guatemala.
Fun Lilliy wrote on May 15th 09 at 10:39AM
you guys are addictive.. I just cant stop watching your videos and I have tons of work to do right now! :)