Episode 6 - A Boat Ride from Mr. Shady
A boat ride on Lake Atitlan in Panajachel. We run out of gas and boogie down with the locals.
radbadomad wrote on October 14th 08 at 05:04PM
Nice video guys, How long were you out in the middle of the lake waiting for them to get the motor started again?
kat wrote on October 15th 08 at 12:15AM
you guys look like you're having the time of your life!! love you all
SammyK wrote on October 15th 08 at 10:36AM
@radbadomad - Thanks! We were stranded for just a few minutes. We were pretty close to the other side of the lake when the gas ran out so they figured out a way to run on fumes to get us there.
@kat - We are! Wish you could join us for part of the journey. :)
@kat - We are! Wish you could join us for part of the journey. :)
joe wrote on October 17th 08 at 11:14AM
This looks incredible, I just caught this on miro, and you guys are awesome for trying something like this out. But how did you fit a years worth of survival stuff in two backpacks?
spiro wrote on October 18th 08 at 02:11PM
yay, this features my friend kelley!
Ben Mathews wrote on October 19th 08 at 02:54PM
Doug and Brandon! What a gift to see your smiling faces on video. You guys look great! Sam, you have some wicked media skills, bro.
SammyK wrote on October 19th 08 at 03:16PM
@Ben Mathews - thanks! ;)
nadia ranney wrote on February 20th 09 at 06:24AM
haha i ate at that taco place when i was there 6 weeks ago!!!